It’s About You (PDF Only)


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It’s About You – God didn’t throw Aaron out when he built the golden calf and lied about it. He did not discard David when he fell into adultery and murder. Or Peter when he cut off the servant’s ear and denied Christ three times. Saul was not rejected by God when he was the greatest persecutor of God’s people before he became Paul one of the greatest evangelist of all time. Christ does not throw you out despite your weaknesses or background. He is committed to restoring you regardless of your past, regardless of how many times you have fallen. He has a plan for you life, because It’s About You.



It’s About You – God didn’t throw Aaron out when he built the golden calf and lied about it. He did not discard David when he fell into adultery and murder. Or Peter when he cut off the servant’s ear and denied Christ three times. Saul was not rejected by God when he was the greatest persecutor of God’s people before he became Paul one of the greatest evangelist of all time. Christ does not throw you out despite your weaknesses or background. He is committed to restoring you regardless of your past, regardless of how many times you have fallen. He has a plan for you life, because It’s About You.